Installation under Windows 10

In order to install the NanoTCAD ViDES python module on Windows 10 you have to:

· Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). In order to do so, go to the Microsoft Store and install “Ubuntu” from Canonical Group Limited. This will allow you to use the Ubuntu Terminal and run command line utilities;

· Go to Settings -> Apps & Features, scroll down and click the “Programs and Features” link. On the left, click on “Turn Windows features on or off” and enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux;

· Install python 2.5 or superior. Example for python2.7: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get install python2.7, sudo apt-get install python-dev, sudo apt-get install python-pip. Then, install all the python packages as well as the compilers needed by NanoTCAD ViDES; [NOTE: There can be issues when installing pip in python2.7 with WSL. In that case, do the following: curl -o, sudo python]

· Navigate to the pyViDES folder, keeping in mind that in WSL the C disk is located through /mnt/c. Then, run with root privileges.

In order to use the NanoTCAD ViDES module with an IDE directly on Windows, you need to install PyCharm Professional. A free educational license is also available. Open your python project on PyCharm, go to File -> Settings -> Project Interpreter, click on “Add” and select WSL among the available interpreters. From now on, you can directly debug your python scripts from PyCharm, which will automatically refer to the Ubuntu extension installed on your system.

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